Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Project Part II

My husband is always motivated by a deadline. The Superbowl usually serves once a year as a good time to get things done. This year, Steve's project also involved a new flat screen TV. You can imagine the buzz around our house. 3 trips to Home Depot, 15 curse words, 5 bandaids(don't turn the saw on while the blade is in your hand) and 1 very expensive trip to Best Buy later it was all done. Heaven forbid we have to watch football on a small TV.


The downstairs renovation has been a year in the making. Damaged walls were revealed, after the wall paper was removed. Mark, our plaster guy, was nice enough to rectify that situation. Picking a paint color proved to be a nightmare as well. Luckily we planned a party. A deadline seems to always kick us in gear to get things done.